Saturday, August 13, 2011

Attention! The first sighting of a croc on Lake Winnebago

One morning, I went out to enjoy the lake and saw this pink think in the distance so I thought I would check it out and help clean the lake. As I got closer, the pink thing turned into a very little crock shoe sitting on a lily pad. I'm sorry, I couldn't help but take a picture and think of all of the funny ways to tell this story: "What a croc!", "A croc was hiding between the lily pads!", "I saw a croc on the lake." and "You can walk on a lily pads but you can't walk on water." Needless to say, I kept myself busy with that one for at least 15 minutes. Good times! 

None the less, I picked it up to help keep our beautiful lake clean for our visitors and the wildlife. I would encourage everyone to do the same if you see any trash in the lake of on the rivers feeding the lake. I have picked up bags worth of trash while being on the lake.

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